Banda Inaudita is an ensemble founded in the year 2000 which has very good reviews due to its innovative and risky bet. Its personal style mixing chamber music, flamenco, jazz and folk, with a cheerful and evocative flavour- without forgetting its Mediterranean roots- makes it be spontaneous as well as refined. Its first record was released in 2002, the second, DOS, in 2004 and the third,CANCIONES INAUDITAS, in 2007. In their fourth record entitled 'Under the coming moon' (2010), they composed music for poems by Miguel Hernández in a stimulating collaboration with Julián Páez, Murcian cantaor filled of strength and quality, under the sponsorship of La Ribera Art Gallery (Murcia). Banda Inaudita is always counting with the invaluable help of several collaborators of an excellent professional and human quality. You can watch our videos with translation subtitles in english: The band gathers the talents of experienced musicians who audibly know their instruments very well. Over the years, they have managed to create a strong and solid style of music. Their open minded compositions will be liked by many. They don't sound experimental, they just enjoy playing atmospheric ethno-jazz with a Latin smile.
Su primer trabajo, BANDA INAUDITA (s/t) se presentó en octubre de 2002 creando para ello su propio sello discográfico: Vela Records. Fue muy bien recibido por la crítica y premiado por la cadena FNAC en su campaña Autoproducidos.
En este cuarto disco A LA LUNA VENIDERA, hemos compuesto música para poemas de Miguel Hernández, en estrecha colaboración con Julián Páez, cantaor murciano de extraordinaria calidad y fuerza, y bajo patrocinio de La Ribera Galería de Arte (Murcia). Como en anteriores ocasiones hemos contado con la inestimable ayuda de colaboradores de excelente calidad profesional y humana.
El segundo disco, 'BANDA INAUDITA DOS' se presentó en Madrid en octubre de 2004, de nuevo con notable aceptación de crítica en prensa, radios y televisiones.